Cloud storage is the best way to keep your data secured.There are some many pros of using cloud storage compared to the cons. In a previous post on cloud storage, i offered 1TB of Cloud storage one time payment from a partner Zoolz. Many requested information on how this can be of help. Cloud storage help you to manage and back up you data no matter your location.With cloud storage, your data is stored on a remote server which can be access from the Internet. Cloud storage got a number of advantages and disadvantages. In this post, we are going to look at the advantages of using an on line cloud storage service.

To cut it short,Cloud storage services allow users to store file online and access them via Internet, whenever they want from any location at any time with any device.
This technology that makes use of visualisation techniques, is the best alternative to the traditional storage methods such as hard disk,USB among others which can easily get bad or stolen. With cloud storage you basically need your email and password to have access to your data. Cloud storage is one the greatest product of cloud computing which we will see more about in the days ahead. We will share the adavantages of cloud storage in point form from 1-12. Below are the major advantages of using cloud storage .
1. The Best Solution to Recover Data: Lets make it short here. When you store files on your hard drives or USBs, they can get missing. Companies might experience accidents leading to lost of data on their computers. This is where another advantage of cloud storage comes in with another advantage. You can easily recover data from your cloud storage service with no stress. Always make sure you back up your data at least twice in a week. I suggest doing it on Tuesdays and Week ends.
2. Unlimited Data can be Stored
You can store as much data as you want if you are using a cloud storage service online. Because of the flexible plans, upgrade and down grade, you can store as much as you want. Cloud providers likz Zoolz offer clod storage ranging from 500 GB(lifetime) for individuals to 1000 TB(petabyte) cloud storage with unlimted users ad servers for businesses. Imgaing Having such storage capacity of storage can be label with no fear as unlimited storage. Still doubting , just check your phone storage capacity.
3. Easy Access to data: Your data can be access from any part of the world and on any device connected to the Internet. You can access your files on a PC, Lap top,mobile phone, tablet and what you can think of.with an online data storage service employees can work from anywhere given that they have access to Internet.
4. Reduces Expenditure for businesses: Businesses can save thousands by using cloud storage. If a company decide to store files on its own servers, it will require maintainace,electricity, stable Internet connection, among others. This makes operating your own storage expensive. Using the alternative cloud storage solution will be the best choice to make. Every business must try to keep its expenses as low as possible in order to maximise profits, A reason why businesses need cloud storage.
5. Cloud Storage is a Reliable: Cloud storage services are more reliable than the common storage methods. This is because your data is hosted on servers which are always up and running. Even if the servers goes down , data can be moved to other servers. This is the power of cloud storage over other storage methods.
6. Can be used by Both Individuals and Businesses
Cloud storage is not just a business solution as some might think. The same was we need USB keys, Mobile phones, external hard drives and others is the same way cloud storage is needed. Cloud storage can be used by both individuals and business. Individuals uses cloud services to store files such as images,documents,audios,videos among others. Excellent solutions ranges from 1TB to 100TB.
7. No Maintenance is required: When using a cloud storage service, it is the responsibility of the cloud service provider to mainatin servers. This helps the company to focus on its activities. You don't need to know much about data centers and servers since you can have access to data from by using your browser.Cloud storage is thus the big ''thing''. The cloud storage users simply enjoys an inter phase just like the computer hard drive, where he/she can fine software stores, applications, services of the cloud storage provider and other files stores in clouds.
8. Cost Efficient Solution: Unlike other online services, where you pay subscribe for a given package available, With cloud storage services, you pay for the amount of space you can use. This makes you to spend your money in an efficient manner. Note that with cloud services, you will equally reduce the number of IT staff. You don't need data centers which need to be manage by a department. Taking cloud storage will thus be a cost efficient solution for every business and individual.
9. An Easy way to Share Files: Cloud storage services offer the users to share files.
*Some cloud storage providers allow users to invite others into the storage account or to view/edit a particular file stored in clouds. This is done by using the ''Add user'' function. User roles can be modified.
* Other Cloud storage providers provide the option to share a document by using a link. This makes the document accessible to anyone who has this link. A good example is Google Drive and Drop box which are being used by android phone lovers today.
This method of sharing files permits you to manage workers remotely. This solution to manage workers remotely helps businesses to be more efficient since they can management documents,manage work flows among others.
10. Data is secured: We are all aware of the threats Cyber criminals are posing to Internet users. Choosing an excellent cloud storage provider like Zoolz, will be the best alternative to keep your data secured.
11. Communication: Cloud storage improves communication between members or employees of an organisation or business. This is simply because the data share is uniform , making everyone to speak the '' same language''.
12. Easy to use : Most cloud storage services comes with applications (mobile cloud storage apps and desktop cloud storage apps). As such, users can drag and drop files the same way they do with folders on computers. No technical knowledge is required to use an online cloud storage service.
There are many free cloud storage providers such as Google,Drop box, Microsoft which you can get started with to experience the strength of cloud computing. Free storage capacity do not exceed 500GB. However, if you want to to get storage space of 1 TB + then you can try Zoolz storage which i am using.
PS: Please before going, help me answe this question:
i. Do you use cloud storage services?
ii. what is your best cloud storage service?
To cut it short,Cloud storage services allow users to store file online and access them via Internet, whenever they want from any location at any time with any device.
This technology that makes use of visualisation techniques, is the best alternative to the traditional storage methods such as hard disk,USB among others which can easily get bad or stolen. With cloud storage you basically need your email and password to have access to your data. Cloud storage is one the greatest product of cloud computing which we will see more about in the days ahead. We will share the adavantages of cloud storage in point form from 1-12. Below are the major advantages of using cloud storage .
1. The Best Solution to Recover Data: Lets make it short here. When you store files on your hard drives or USBs, they can get missing. Companies might experience accidents leading to lost of data on their computers. This is where another advantage of cloud storage comes in with another advantage. You can easily recover data from your cloud storage service with no stress. Always make sure you back up your data at least twice in a week. I suggest doing it on Tuesdays and Week ends.
2. Unlimited Data can be Stored
You can store as much data as you want if you are using a cloud storage service online. Because of the flexible plans, upgrade and down grade, you can store as much as you want. Cloud providers likz Zoolz offer clod storage ranging from 500 GB(lifetime) for individuals to 1000 TB(petabyte) cloud storage with unlimted users ad servers for businesses. Imgaing Having such storage capacity of storage can be label with no fear as unlimited storage. Still doubting , just check your phone storage capacity.
3. Easy Access to data: Your data can be access from any part of the world and on any device connected to the Internet. You can access your files on a PC, Lap top,mobile phone, tablet and what you can think of.with an online data storage service employees can work from anywhere given that they have access to Internet.
4. Reduces Expenditure for businesses: Businesses can save thousands by using cloud storage. If a company decide to store files on its own servers, it will require maintainace,electricity, stable Internet connection, among others. This makes operating your own storage expensive. Using the alternative cloud storage solution will be the best choice to make. Every business must try to keep its expenses as low as possible in order to maximise profits, A reason why businesses need cloud storage.
5. Cloud Storage is a Reliable: Cloud storage services are more reliable than the common storage methods. This is because your data is hosted on servers which are always up and running. Even if the servers goes down , data can be moved to other servers. This is the power of cloud storage over other storage methods.
6. Can be used by Both Individuals and Businesses
Cloud storage is not just a business solution as some might think. The same was we need USB keys, Mobile phones, external hard drives and others is the same way cloud storage is needed. Cloud storage can be used by both individuals and business. Individuals uses cloud services to store files such as images,documents,audios,videos among others. Excellent solutions ranges from 1TB to 100TB.
7. No Maintenance is required: When using a cloud storage service, it is the responsibility of the cloud service provider to mainatin servers. This helps the company to focus on its activities. You don't need to know much about data centers and servers since you can have access to data from by using your browser.Cloud storage is thus the big ''thing''. The cloud storage users simply enjoys an inter phase just like the computer hard drive, where he/she can fine software stores, applications, services of the cloud storage provider and other files stores in clouds.
8. Cost Efficient Solution: Unlike other online services, where you pay subscribe for a given package available, With cloud storage services, you pay for the amount of space you can use. This makes you to spend your money in an efficient manner. Note that with cloud services, you will equally reduce the number of IT staff. You don't need data centers which need to be manage by a department. Taking cloud storage will thus be a cost efficient solution for every business and individual.
9. An Easy way to Share Files: Cloud storage services offer the users to share files.
*Some cloud storage providers allow users to invite others into the storage account or to view/edit a particular file stored in clouds. This is done by using the ''Add user'' function. User roles can be modified.
* Other Cloud storage providers provide the option to share a document by using a link. This makes the document accessible to anyone who has this link. A good example is Google Drive and Drop box which are being used by android phone lovers today.
This method of sharing files permits you to manage workers remotely. This solution to manage workers remotely helps businesses to be more efficient since they can management documents,manage work flows among others.
10. Data is secured: We are all aware of the threats Cyber criminals are posing to Internet users. Choosing an excellent cloud storage provider like Zoolz, will be the best alternative to keep your data secured.
11. Communication: Cloud storage improves communication between members or employees of an organisation or business. This is simply because the data share is uniform , making everyone to speak the '' same language''.
12. Easy to use : Most cloud storage services comes with applications (mobile cloud storage apps and desktop cloud storage apps). As such, users can drag and drop files the same way they do with folders on computers. No technical knowledge is required to use an online cloud storage service.
Do you need Cloud Storage?
Get it Here
Permit me end here. Some disadvantages of cloud storage had been pointed out by experts such as perfomance, and limitations of band width. Our team will be looking into some of the disadvantages of cloud storage which will be share with you. you can equally share any disadvantage you know in the comment section.There are many free cloud storage providers such as Google,Drop box, Microsoft which you can get started with to experience the strength of cloud computing. Free storage capacity do not exceed 500GB. However, if you want to to get storage space of 1 TB + then you can try Zoolz storage which i am using.
PS: Please before going, help me answe this question:
i. Do you use cloud storage services?
ii. what is your best cloud storage service?
Hum. Cloud services had e is the technology diversified these days such that every business must get involve. Cloud storage to me is the techno,ogy that will say ''No to USB '' keys and other physical storage once internet becomes a world wide thing just like light and water.