Are your email marketing campaigns hit and miss, with the emphasis on the miss part? If this is the case for you, you’re probably focusing more on alternatives that produce more reliable results. Which is a pity because, with a little bit of effort, every email campaign can be a winner.

Email campaigns have a lot going for them. As long as you can get the person to actually read the email, you get a great channel to present your marketing message. They can read it as and when it suits them, get the full details of the offer, and also have something to refer back to as necessary.

You can create links in the email that make it simple for consumers who are interested to go through to the offer and you barely have to spend any money to do so. The problem, though, is getting people interested in opening your email.

And, as the EveryCloud research team found out when creating the cool infographic below, that’s easier said than done. With businesses receiving over 8 billion emails a day, there’s a lot of competition in the market. Add in the fact that most people have had some basic security awareness training , and the odds of your message making it to the “Read” pile become even longer.

So, making your campaigns successful is easier said than done. Fortunately, if you follow the golden rule we’ll lay out for you, it’s not impossible. Are you ready to make your campaigns more effective? Let’s go.

Start With Sending Them to the Right People

It seems to make sense to send out as many emails as possible. After all, you’ve spent a lot of money in building that subscriber list, you want to get the most returns. That means sending out your campaign to everyone on your list, right?
Well, actually, that’s a bad strategy for a few different reasons.

You Can’t Please Everyone

For starters, you’ll have to create a generic marketing message that will suit all your subscribers. That’s a big marketing taboo right off the bat. How do you create an amazing message that will appeal to the mother looking for an educational toy for her child, the father wanting something cool to put in the Christmas stocking, and the child who wants something fun?

It’s a lot better to clearly define your ideal target upfront, and then create the perfect marketing message for each group. This means segmenting your subscriber list and creating several separate campaigns rather than one big one, so it is more work. But it also means that you’re more likely to see results, so it’s worth the effort.

You’ll End Up Alienating Subscribers

I can attest to that from my own experience. There was a motivational speaker that I was following for a while. I enjoyed his style of writing, and his advice made sense, so I decided to subscribe to his newsletter. That lasted about two weeks because I kept getting special offers for the books I’d paid full price for. The emails were irrelevant and unrelenting so I unsubscribed.

Making sure that your missives are timely, and welcome are the first step in turning around your campaign. If you won’t take the time to tailor them for your audience upfront, why should they bother even looking at them?

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