Youtube videos had been one of the best ways to stay in touch with audience online. Creating a Youtube channel require just a  Gmail account. Many often stay with their default Youtube account . Well I think it is time for you to know you can equally create other Channels with the same Gmail account.

YouTube is  the most used video sharing platform in the world. It can be access in almost every part of the world compared with other video sharing platforms which are accessible to in certain countries/continents. In Countries like China, North Korea,Iran,Lybia among others YouTube is blocked.    If you happened to be travelling to such a country where YouTube is blocked, then consider using a VPN Service like HideMyAss. For more information about HideMyAss,
go here right away

Think of your famous Sport Channel  that provide different TV Channels for to  audeince taking into consideration the different categories of spots such as football,basketball or different tournaments as well. This is the same way most ''YouTubers'' should think. If you  have many things to tell your audience then try to group them under two or more channels . Creating channels help in providing targeted content ,which is important in getting your target audience. I know you are not creating you Videos for your Family,you need audience.

YouTube videos are one of the ways to make money online.  Ok, i will let you know about that very soon. In this post we are going to see how you can create a second  or another  Youtube Channel  in addition to the default Youtube Channel associated with your Gmail account.

So how do we can we do it?

 #1  Go to  and scroll down to the bottom of the page

#2  Click on ''See all my channels or create a new channel''

#3 You will be take  to a new page where you have the option to

    i. Create a new Channel on You Tube or

    ii Covert you existing  Google plus brand page into a Youtube Channel.

All this is left for you to decide. If you have never created a Google plus page, then go for option (i).If you have one then you have the choice to make between (i) or (ii)

 #4 Type your brand name and make  your Channel look the way you want. Add a channel Art and a Profile Picture that represent your brand
#Post your First Youtube video . Enjoy!

              How to Manage Multiple Youtube Channels

After creating you  new You Tube Channel the next thing is how to manage it. Since you used the same Google email account to create them. It i s simple
#HM1 Login to  with your Gmail account
#HM2  Clcik on your profile picture at the top left end of your page and select the Chaneel you want to manage. Simple right?

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Thank you for reading. Creating a channel for your brand or business l is very important as it helps in audience engagement and lead generation.
You should not have a world wide channel talking about animals,tech,christianity,money ,blogging at the same time. If you  can  produce videos in all these categories then consider creating different channels for each. This will equally help in making conversions if you want to market a product or advertise one.

Now over to you. what is your point of view about Youtube videos?
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  1. You are doing a great help for youtube beginners and sharing advanced tips to earn money form youtube.

  2. So, by creating and uploading a keyword targeted video, you can bring your video at the top of the search engine results page organically.
    where to get youtube subs


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